Squeeze Your Tushy
>> Friday, March 24, 2006 –
Boys will be boys
Mama trying to lose the baby flab and boys joining me as I do Winsor Pilates. They love to mimic the phrases they hear: "squeeze your tushy", etc. Doing the "roll-up" is dangerous as we roll over each other. The 8-yr old never fails to bark like a seal when we clap our heels together at the end. I'm lucky if I can finish the program from laughing so hard! (Can you see baby on the couch?)
Ah yes, Winsor Pilates. I pulled a muscle in my side earlier this week while trying to do the neck pull -- that's the one I have trouble with.
Go Jewel! My exercise of choice is Jorge Cruise's book, 8 minutes in the Morning. Love it.