Not Too Big for a Nap

Bunny, nearly 6-years old, is getting so big now. He's lost two teeth. His cute face doesn't have as much of the squishy cheeks that toddlers have. He doesn't need to take a nap anymore because he's "too big". But sometimes, if he takes a little rest in a well-used recliner, just happens to get a hold of his beloved polar fleece blanket, and the thumb finds his way in his mouth, the eyes involuntarily get very heavy and he might accidentally fall asleep just as he did here.

You know, he really is too big to take a nap now. But I'm glad I caught this leftover remnant from toddlerhood days gone by.
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Anonymous –   – (8/04/2008 8:39 PM)  

so sweet!

Kel  – (8/05/2008 10:48 AM)  

oh that is so precious. I've hit a serious baby withdrawal lately and your little guy and my middle guy are right about the same age / place in life :) Pear-bear has a blanky too :)

Tina  – (8/09/2008 8:02 AM)  

I love those little accidental naps once in awhile....:)

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