How does your garden grow?

As any gardener knows, this is the most exciting time of having a garden - the anticipation of the first produce. Things are happening. Some plants grow literally inches overnight - it's amazing!

4-in. zucchini - can you say chocolate chip zucchini muffins? Hurry up and GROW!

I love my flower bed surrounded by vegetables.

Pepper plant

Hydrangea and fuschia

Was I the only kid who got in trouble for popping her mother's fuschia buds? It must be the musician in me - I love the sound it makes when it pops, but don't tell my kids that. They need to grow up thinking that they were the only kids whose mother told them not to pop the fuschia buds. Hannah, please zip your lip.
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Tina  – (7/12/2008 8:49 PM)  

Such a beautiful garden. I am envious. I have had gardens in the past, but really never one that looked like that.

Kel  – (7/15/2008 4:01 AM)  

Oh My Gosh, I am soooo envious of your summer! Veggies, flowers, CHERRIES!!, camping (fabulous photos btw, your daughter did a great job) and man, here I sit in humidity that is so high our widows are fogged and stepping outside means you're a glutton for punishment! Whaaaaaaah!

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