A New Addition

No, not that kind of addition. My parents gave us this cat. We originally didn't want the cat (or I didn't want the cat). It's not that I don't like cats, I don't like dealing with the negative aspects of animals (poops, clawing, hassle of finding someone to watch animal when away, etc). But my parents were very desperate. They said they would pay for his food and any vet bills AND "he's an outside cat". When my husband went to visit my parents, the cat came out and met my husband and kids. My husband, being a big sucker for animals then called me on the phone giving me some sort of poor kitty story. I told my husband that I wanted no part of this decision. The cat obviously won my husband's heart.

Well, for the first week or so, he was an outside cat . . . . until yesterday. I was in the kitchen drinking my breakfast smoothy and heard him meow. It was very cold outside. I opened the door and that was the end of that "outside cat" story.

He is a beautiful cat with a great temperment - especially considering my kids have been pet-deprived and can't keep from touching him. This cat has never known such love. Okay, I admit it - he is pretty sweet. Even sweet enough for me to grab the camera and take a few shots.

Isn't he handsome?
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Tonya  – (12/07/2008 7:58 AM)  

He IS a beautiful cat! I love cats, we have three. But, you are right, the litter box and stuff can be a pain. I think having pets is good for children. Mine are very involved with the care of our animals, we have a dog too.

Enjoy your new kitty : )

shizzknits  – (12/07/2008 9:15 AM)  

what a cute kittie! I love his little white 'moose-stash'.

Carol  – (12/07/2008 5:24 PM)  

He's gorgeous! I promise you'll be a gonner within a week.

Anonymous –   – (12/08/2008 4:46 PM)  

That's a MOUSE-tash. Black/white (tuxedo) cats make the best mousers.

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