* * warning * * Post-op Photos * * - not too bad, though
>> Saturday, November 17, 2007 –
On the homefront
Well, here it is. It is now 2 days after surgery and I was able to change the dressing (with quite an audience in the room). I was surprised at how small the main incision was (about 2 inches long). I can't believe the doctor was able to go in, slice a piece of hamstring and then make a new ACL for me with only those small incisions. Modern technology is incredible. Oh, notice the "yes" printed on my leg. It is always reassuring to know they are going to do surgery on the correct leg!
The surgery itself went quite well the doctor said. I was a nervous wreck beforehand when the nurse told me that I probably wouldn't be able to nurse my little guy for days, if not a week. Later, I found out that someone called OB for me and they said I could start nursing within 24-48 hours after surgery because the other meds were fine (the general anesthesia was the problem). He's a happy camper now :)
Going under wasn't so bad, it was waking up that was difficult. It felt like a combination of feeling the most tired I've ever felt, with nausea and dizziness. It took about 3 hours for me in recovery - they had said it would probably only take an hour.
I'm able to put weight on my knee and have already been doing some of the exercises I first started after the accident. I am so glad that I've already done physical therapy - it has definitely made a difference.
There you have it :)
Enjoy the chance to take it easy, but feel better fast!
I am glad you are home and being well cared for. Take it easy and may the healing commence.
The flowers are pretty cool. You have nice friends ;)
Ok, you have got a stellar friend! Those flowers are beautiful.Just as you said. I even got some mention in the Blog of the Year! Whoa! (Back to me, ya see) LOL