Two Weeks Later

It's been 2 weeks since my ACL reconstruction surgery. Life is challenging at the moment. My mobility and range of motion is "miraculous" according to my physical therapist. I've gone 4 times and each time as she measured my bent knee and straight leg to see the range of motion, she has been amazed and said I should be a poster child for having physical therapy before surgery. I'm so thankful for that! Unfortunately, the mobility and good range of motion does not take away the never-ending pain. Yes, it does take a while for bones to feel better when they've been drilled and "screwed". Thank goodness for pain meds.

The schooling has been minimal. Everything is down to basics now. The kids have taken the initiative to get the Christmas decorations out. They love traditions and that is one load off my mind.

In the meantime, I've had time to work on this moose stocking for Brown Eyes. He has wanted this since I made Bunny his snowman stocking last year. This is a pretty quick knit with Size 8 needles. Once again, I love Annie's Woolen's kits and love, love, the Barlettyarns that give these the traditional rustic look.


We had such a nice Thanksgiving with my parents and brother and his family. I was especially happy to see that the sweater I just completed still fits this little chubbers nephew who is not yet one year old (pattern is for Size 2). The consensus was that the sweater was probably going to be too small and I was mentally preparing to have to make a new sweater. Thankfully, despite his cute rolls, Gage's sweater fits perfectly (with a little growing room).

Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one!

Stats: Child’s Placket-Neck Pullover from Last Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. Be sure to get the errata on this pattern. Yarn is Blue Moon Fiber Arts Worsted Wear in the Bronze colorway. I will definitely use this yarn again. It is wonderful!

* * warning * * Post-op Photos * * - not too bad, though

Well, here it is. It is now 2 days after surgery and I was able to change the dressing (with quite an audience in the room). I was surprised at how small the main incision was (about 2 inches long). I can't believe the doctor was able to go in, slice a piece of hamstring and then make a new ACL for me with only those small incisions. Modern technology is incredible. Oh, notice the "yes" printed on my leg. It is always reassuring to know they are going to do surgery on the correct leg!

The surgery itself went quite well the doctor said. I was a nervous wreck beforehand when the nurse told me that I probably wouldn't be able to nurse my little guy for days, if not a week. Later, I found out that someone called OB for me and they said I could start nursing within 24-48 hours after surgery because the other meds were fine (the general anesthesia was the problem). He's a happy camper now :)

Going under wasn't so bad, it was waking up that was difficult. It felt like a combination of feeling the most tired I've ever felt, with nausea and dizziness. It took about 3 hours for me in recovery - they had said it would probably only take an hour.

I'm able to put weight on my knee and have already been doing some of the exercises I first started after the accident. I am so glad that I've already done physical therapy - it has definitely made a difference.

And this is the view that I see from my bed. Someone loaned me a big wedge to elevate my leg and pillows are placed on top of that to ensure that my heel is above my heart to prevent blood clots. Over on the dresser is a gorgeous bouquet from Stacy, my sweet online buddy of about 6 yrs! There's proof for you, Ms. Cinderelli. I took these 2 pics and battery went dead. I wanted to get a better shot of the flowers.

There you have it :)

Young Musicians

I was so happy to get this picture in my e-mail box this morning from someone at church. Last Sunday, the children and I played the offertory at church and I never thought of bringing my camera. This is a treasure. Okay, ignore the head in the way, but you get the idea.

And Brown Eyes on the left has surprised me recently. Two days in a row, he has asked, even begged for me to play violin with him. He says he wants to get better. This is a new thing for him. It's usually the other way around. Oh joy, this mama is happy!


Volleyball season has ended. It was great to see how the girls improved over the season. Pearly towered over her teammates and it was a reminder of what I look like next to my friends!! Am I really THAT tall? lol

And last, but not least: my new sock:
Sock it to Me! Collection Harlequin
Magic Loop 2.25 mm, co 90 sts

PS - I wish Stacy would come to my house and explain to me how I messed up my camera settings! I am clueless.

Blog Post

How's that for a title? lol The lighting was horrible on this picture, but I loved the sweetness of it. Sepia was a good improvement.

Time is ticking for my knee surgery and I'm trying to tie up loose ends, stock up on meals and make apple pies and sweet potato casserole to be put in the freezer for Thanksgiving. I don't know how long I will be out of commission. That thought is a bit scary.

I've heard lots of scary stories about complications from general anesthesia and the surgery itself. Why do people feel the need to share horror stories right before you are about to go into surgery? I heard similar types of stories when I was pregnant about to delivery a baby. What's all of that about, anyway?

I'm getting knitting projects ready for the 4 days I have to keep my knee elevated above my heart. Have you knit in that position before? I can't imagine being idle for that period of time. I sure hope I can accomplish something.

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