Peace Fleece Cardigan

Peace Fleece Cardigan

Here is a close-up of a similar cardigan I am struggling with. (The photo is from the Peace Fleece website.) I put it away for 5 years because I couldn't understand the instructions. I'm hoping to finish it for my 2-yr old before he gets too big.

The back is worked garter stitch for 11.75 inches. Then the instructions say: Bind off, placing center 22 stitches onto a holder. I know how to bind off on one side and have done that, but how do I bind off on the other side of the held stitches since my working yarn is on the other side?

Stuck here

Unknown  – (4/01/2005 3:23 PM)  

I think you are supposed to join a new yarn on the side where you have no yarn. Does that make sense? If not, let me know. So, you would have two balls of yarn working from it at the same time, one on the left and one on the right. When I do that, I usually work one side, and then do the other side later. I am going to check and see if I can find out for sure.

Anonymous –   – (4/01/2005 3:37 PM)  

I would use a three needle bind off, which will attach the front to the back at the shoulders, leaving the center stitches unworked and ready to make the neckline. You can use the yarn from the back to bind off the stitches on one shoulder, then the yarn from the front to bind off the other.

Anonymous –   – (4/01/2005 8:34 PM)  

I would bind off the first side, as you have done, finish the row, turn and bind off the other side. The extra height of one row won't make any difference at all.

Anonymous –   – (4/02/2005 9:00 AM)  

bind off on one side, knit across the center stitches, bind off the other side, place center stitches on holder.

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