Activewear Contest

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I'm still here. I've been sewing a lot lately. I just finished this pants top/sports bra workout outfit. I love it. I had to tweak everything a little bit. You can read my reviews on the Pattern Review side bar. The pants are Kwik Sew 3115. I LOVE them. The top and sports bra are from Kwik Sew 3660. I will never buy a store-bought sports bra again. It only takes 1/2 yard. Not only can I wear them for exercising, but I can wear it in place of a camisole under tops. That will be especially nice in the summer when you don't want to be wearing 2 layers. It's so nice to have patterns tweaked out to fit. I still shake my head that I have to add SEVEN, yes, SEVEN inches to the inseam of all the pants I sew. Wow!

My 16-day old iMac has a worm!!! Do I have the only Mac with a worm?

This picture was taken almost 2 hrs before the bottom two pictures. (Click to enlarge . . . if you dare.)

After 12 years of putting up with a piece-of-junk-virus-ridden PC, my beloved husband surprised me with a new iMac for Christmas. I was happy beyond belief - - - that is until today, 16 days later, when it had a worm. Not just any computer-virus-type-worm, but a live one. It was moving across the entire screen as I typed.

I tried to explain the situation to my very tired husband before his nap and he thought I was pulling a practical joke on him - playing some sort of program that fakes a "worm" across the screen. I was not/am not.

This real worm/bug thing is behind my computer screen INSIDE my computer. For a while, I had updated my status about the worm and he was moving right under the letters as I typed - talk about creepy. I cannot wipe my screen off to get rid of him. A science teacher friend of mine said perhaps a microscopic egg was on a part during assembly. EWWWWWW.

I'm pretty sure he is dead, but he is definitely there and it feels weird to see "him" over there on the side of my screen as I'm even typing this!

Now I need to figure out what to do next. Any ideas?

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