My 7-yr old son has been caught in the knitting craze. Yesterday, while the older kids and dh went skiing, he begged me to teach him how to knit. It was such a precious time together. I first showed him how to hold the left hand needle, but he wanted to do both, but it was a bit too much for him to handle. Then I decided to hold the left-hand needle and have him do the right-hand needle for a couple rows. He caught on quickly and took back the left-hand needle so he could do it all by himself. I was hoping to get a few things on my to-do list done, but with the constant interruption of, "can you fix this, please?", "can you help me, please", how could I resist? Now as I am typing, he and his 10-yr old sister are busy knitting nothing in particular, but what sweetness sits on that couch!
Talk about making a mom smile!
Love those cute 7-yr old hands! Again he's been knitting off and on today. He tells me that he's done for the day, but then comes back and picks it up again. He told me now why he knows why I knit - because it's fun! I love this boy!
7-yr old boy knitting